Our Mission

I started ACHC in November 2021 because I believe we are all becoming more aware and intentional about the products we bring into our spaces and the health impacts they have on ourselves, loved ones, pets, and the environment. Our goal is to create products made with high-quality natural ingredients to ensure safe, clean spaces with a focus on integrity and sustainability for a cleaner tomorrow.


How I Got Started

In my twenties, I was riddled with illness, surgeries, and prescription medications that left me miserable. I decided to look for an alternative and found holistic medicine. I began incorporating what I learned into my lifestyle. Within a few years, I was able to reduce my medication. Today, I am free from all prescription medications. I began to learn of the harsh chemicals in our products and that most brands claiming to be "natural" only contain some natural ingredients mixed with harsh chemicals. When I ran out of the all-natural cleaner I was purchasing, I thought, "I can make my own."  Over the next year, I continued to develop and adjust my products' formulas to ensure they were high quality, safe and effective.

                                                                                    ~Jennifer Pierce, Founder and CEO